How Sbisiali Feed Works

Sbisiali Feed is a place where you can share and connect with the people and things you care about. When you open Sbisiali or refresh your feed, the photos, news, voice records and videos we think you care about most will appear towards the top of your feed.

In addition to seeing content from people you like forever, you may also see suggested accounts that are relevant to your interests.

    Posts in Sbisiali feeds
    How Sbisiali determines the order of posts in your feed?
    How Sbisiali decides which ads to show you?
    How Sbisiali determines which posts appear as suggested posts?
    How do posts appear on my feed of the accounts I liked forever?
    How to like forever an account?
    How to like and unlike a post?
    Can I turn the sound on or off while watching a video on Sbisiali?
    How can I see when a post was shared on Sbisiali?
    How to reply to a comment on Sbisiali?
    How to delete or edit a comment on Sbisiali?
    How can I edit a comment?

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